
Experts recommended Omega 3 foods vegetarian sources


Today, due to the abundance of grains and sugar in the Indian diet, Omega 3 deficiency has become very common. Due to Omega 3 deficiency, diseases related to cardiovascular system, respiratory system, immune system and endocrine system are increasing in India. Even the diseases related to brain development, early ageing and joint problems of children and adults are increasing very fast. So in today’s article we will know how we can easily include experts recommended omega 3 foods vegetarian sources in our diet. On top of that how vegan omega 3 sources Can Be a Boon for Health.

What are omega-3s ?

Before knowing omega 3 foods vegetarian sources, it will be important to know what Omega 3 is ? So Omega 3 are those essential fatty acids which our body cannot make on its own. Hence we have to get them from our diet.

If we go deeper, there are three types of Omega 3: DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid),EPA(Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and ALA(Alpha-linolenic Acid). DHA and EPA comes from seafood whereas plant oils are sources of ALA Omega 3. 

Omega-3 health benefits

Human body is made up of cells. Cells are protected by their membrane which we call cell membrane. Omega 3 is the most important component of the cell membrane. So, if Omega 3 is not there then our cells will start becoming weak.  Weaker Cells will further weaken the human body. Weaker body eventually become a house of many diseases.

If we talk about a healthy eyesight, then Omega-3 proves to be unmatched. Apart from this, Omega 3 is a very important health supplement for healthy brain functions and sperm count.

Now, Omega 3 being the most important component of every single cell of the human body. It would be redundant to say that its role in the overall health of our body is very important.

So whether it is a healthy heart, lungs, immune system or endocrine system. Your entire cardiovascular health, respiratory health, complete immune system and hormonal health depends on this essential fatty acid i.e. Omega 3.

Omega 3 Foods Vegetarian Sources – Highly Recommended

As we mentioned above there are three types of Omega 3 : DHA, EPA and ALA. Of these three types of Omega 3, ALA type Omega 3 is obtained from plant sources or Vegetarian Sources. Typically seed oils are the most prominent source and thus can be considered as best omega 3 foods vegetarian sources.

Our body cannot produce ALA type Omega 3 on its own. That is why it is very important to get this most important essential omega 3 fatty acid from our diet. A special feature of ALA type Omega 3 is that our body automatically converts ALA Omega 3 into DHA and EPA.

So here is the list of some of the best omega 3 foods vegetarian sources trusted by experts. These Supplements can serve as best fish oil alternatives for vegetarians –

1. Chia Seeds – One of the best omega 3 foods vegetarian source

chia seeds

Experts are calling Chia seeds as the best ALA – Omega 3 foods vegetarian source. Chia seeds have also been considered the super food of the 21st century. Chia seeds are known to reduce increased triglycerides levels, reduce bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol.

ALA Omega 3 can be obtained by consuming Chia seeds as salad dressing, pudding, smoothie and with yogurt.

If we talk about the recommended daily dose –

Adult male is recommended to take 1600 mg ALA Omega 3 every day and Female is recommended to take 1100 mg ALA every day.

For this amount of Omega 3, approximately 20 to 22 grams of Chia seeds are required.

However, chia oil can become an easy alternative and a more denser source of ALA Omega 3. Because ALA Omega 3 essential fatty acid is found in chia oil only. Means a more efficient vegan fish oil alternative.

2. Flaxseed – Excellent omega 3 foods vegetarian source

Vegetarian Omega 3 Diet Supplement sources

It has also been shown to be an excellent vegan food high in omega 3 fatty acids. Flaxseed or flaxseed oil is being used to reduce cholesterol. However, flaxseed oil’s low smoke point hinders its widespread use and its use at high temperatures can also prove harmful for our body. 

About 6 to 7 grams of flaxseed can provide us with the required Omega 3 fatty acids every day.

Flaxseed oil have a mild nutty flavor that some people may not like. You can still use them as a salad dressing or with cereals or with yogurt to get the health benefits.

3.  Walnuts – omega 3 foods vegetarian source – on the go snack

Walnuts as a omega 3 foods vegetarian source

As soon as we look at walnuts, we see a glimpse of a brain in them. Walnuts have been known since ancient times to enhance the functioning of the brain. However, the secret behind it is the ALA Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids hidden inside the walnuts and that makes it one of the best omega 3 foods vegetarian source.

You can use walnuts as a snack, it can become your healthiest snacking time partner. But once again we will remind you that ALA Omega 3 is found in walnut oil. So if you want to use walnut oil to get ALA Omega 3, its low smoke point, like flaxseed, hinders its widespread use.

Because by using walnut oil at high temperature, the Omega 3 present in it gets oxidized and turns into free radicals. This is not at all safe for your body. So please be watchful, if you are considering walnut oil as Omega 3 foods vegetarian source.

4. Hemp Seed – 

hemp seeds best omega 3 foods vegetarian source

Even though Hemp Seed leaves are used for intoxicants but Hemp Seeds are considered an excellent Omega 3 foods vegetarian source.

Consuming approximately 15 to 20 grams of Hemp Seeds a day may be able to meet your daily requirement of omega 3 fatty acids.

However, like other seeds, Omega 3 is also found in its oil. Unfortunately, due to hemp oil’s low smoke point, it should not be used at high temperatures. Because by doing this its vegan Omega 3 fatty acids gets converted into free radicals which can have adverse effects on your health.

However, it is completely safe to use at normal temperatures and can be a great option to fulfill your daily Omega 3 requirement.

Fish and seafood sources

Fish and certain Sea food can be called a direct source of DHA and EPA omega 3. So, we are telling you some selected seafood from which you can get non vegetarian source of Omega 3 in abundance –

1. Mackerel – Another good source of Omega 3 is a tiny fatty fish named Mackerel. Apart from this, vitamin B12 and selenium are also found in it. About 4500 mg of omega 3 is found in 100 grams of natural fish.

2. Salmon –

Salmon fish is also a very popular source of omega 3. Vitamin B and selenium are also found in abundancet. About 2100 mg of omega 3 is found in 100 grams of salmon fish.

3. Herring –

Herring is a medium sized fish. It is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and selenium. You can get 2100mg of omega 3 from every 100 grams of herring fish.

4. Sardines –

Sardines are small and are often eaten whole. About 1450 mg of omega-3 can be obtained from 100 grams of Sardine fish. Apart from being a good source of omega-3, it also helps in meeting the deficiency of vitamin B12, vitamin D and selenium.

5. Oysters –

Oysters are considered very nutritious. Apart from 300 to 400 mg of omega-3, vitamin B12, vitamin D and large amounts of zinc are found in every 100 grams of oyster.

Is a plant-based diet capable of fulfilling the requirement of omega 3?

For this we have to come back to the fact that Omega 3 foods vegetarian sources provides omega 3 in ALA form. It is also interesting to know here that ALA Omega 3 is the only Omega 3 that our body cannot produce on its own. Hence it is very important to include this vegan forms of omega 3 through our diet.

DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids, for which fish oils are particularly famous are long chain omega 3 fatty acids. And luckily our body is capable of converting plant-based ALA omega-3 fatty acids into long-chain fatty acids (DHA and EPA) on its own.

Various studies conducted around the world point to this, the most prominent of which is the European Prospective Investigation in Cancer and Nutrition. It shows that vegetarians who do not consume DHA and EPA at all, have abundant amounts of long chain DHA and EPA Omega 3 Fatty acids by just consuming Short chain plant based ALA omega 3 fatty acids, in comparison to fish eaters.

So this proves that even though fish contains both DHA and EPA, it does not mean that a plant-based diet is in any way deficient in these long chain fatty acids.

Apart from this, omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids ratio is found to be better in plant based diet. Here it is important for you to know that deficiency of omega 3 and excess of omega 6 may cause inflammation in our body. Therefore, it is very important to have their correct and proper proportion. This can be made possible to a great extent with a vegetarian diet.

Fish Oil vs. Plant-Based Omega-3 Sources: Which is Better?

Plant based Omega 3 is found in ALA form. Our body converts later them into DHA and EPA form. This conversion rate is said to be low. However plant based omega 3 taken in adequate quantity is fully capable of fulfilling the needs of our body. On the other hand, fish oil contains DHA and EPA which our body can absorb directly. So in this sense, fish oil can be considered a better option.

But there’s a catch here, Yes water or ocean pollution. Today we all know that our oceans have become a hub of pollutants. Plastics, toxic metals, manufactured chemicals, heavy metals, sewage pollutants has entered into the food chain including fish.

Fish oil is also being obtained from these fishes. And knowingly or unknowingly we are also becoming a part of this contaminated food chain. And this can be detrimental to our health. Because many heavy metals like mercury and arsenic may enter our body through it as a pollutant and a contaminant. These pollutants can harm our organs in countless ways. These may prove very dangerous for pregnant women as these metals have the power to cross the placenta. These heavy metals are proven not only harmful to the fetus but also for newborn babies and children.

However, the majority of Fish oil is also refined to remove these contaminants. But this refining process involves some other chemicals and some experts view this chemical refining process with suspicion. So if low conversion rate of plant based omega 3 is your sole reason to consider fish oil. Then your choice should be made with great caution. 

Otherwise, our suggestion would be to stick to plant-based Omega 3 foods vegetarian sources. This will ensure getting ALA – essential omega-3 in a safe manner.

Conclusion – Best way to fulfill daily Omega 3 requirement through omega 3 foods vegetarian sources

Hope you liked this information about Omega 3 foods vegetarian sources. Out of all sources we have found Chia Seed oil as the best source to combat your omega 3 need.

High smoke point of this superfood oil makes it a perfect choice for high temperature cooking. However you can find this oil in form of soft gelatin capsules. But we have gone an extra mile for you. We have infused the purest Chia Seed Extract into Rapeseed oil. This can provide you an extraordinary substitute of Cooking Oil. All thanks to its high smoke point of Chia Seed Oil.

FIT & YOUNG cooking oil- your daily omega3 partner

In keeping with its function, it is named “Fit & Young”. Just by cooking in Fit & Young, your whole family can have ample omega-3 intake without any worry. All thanks to the superpower of pure Chia seed extracts.  You can enjoy cooking all kind of foods in it. This will serve your one stop solution to complete your ALA Omega 3 requirement. Because every food cooked in your house will become a treasure of Omega 3.  Each drop of this Extraordinary cooking oil has around 9 % ALA omega 3 and 14 % Omega 6. This perfect ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 shall surely boost health of your whole family. You can directly buy this product and start reaping health benefits. It is just a click away



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