How can I lose belly fat ? This question is much more important than you think.
If you think that your enlarged midsection or belly fat is only a hindrance in your looks or personality, then you are wrong. Your Question: How Can I Lose Belly Fat ? : It has Implications that Go Beyond Your Looks.
Because an enlarged waistline has a direct connection with obesity, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, fatty liver and even cancer.
So you have asked a very important question and we will share the complete solution to this question or rather the problem with the scientific road map.
First thing first – What is belly fat ?
You must be wondering what is so special in this, everyone knows that the fat we see around our waistline is belly fat.
So yes you are right but not completely because you can divide belly fat primarily into two parts –
Subcutaneous belly fat –
Subcutaneous belly fat is just beneath your skin.
This is the fat that makes our tummy look chubby and most people consider this subcutaneous fat as belly fat.
Because this fat tightens our clothes and spoils our looks and perhaps your question : “how can I lose belly fat?” has come just thinking about this fat?
Visceral Fat –
To your surprise this is the fat which is not visible outside and thus called deep belly fat. In technical language it is called visceral adipose tissue.
And this is gathered around organs like our heart, lungs and liver.
It is necessary to have it in a limited quantity because it cushions our important organs.
But when this deep belly fat i.e. visceral fat increases, it leads to various heart diseases like high blood pressure.
Apart from this, deep belly fat may cause type 2 diabetes and various types of cancers like breast cancer and colon cancer.
How Can I Lose Belly Fat ? – You Can’t !
Unless You Follow These Scientific Approaches
1. Cut the Carbs not the Fats –
Shocked ! Because till now you had heard that if you want to lose fat then you must remove fats from your diet. So here is a good news for you that you do not need to eat only boiled food.
Scientific studies say that if you want to achieve permanent fat loss, you will have to include healthy fats in your diet and reduce the amount of carbohydrates.
2. High Protein Diet should make your plate
Protein and healthy fats – These are the two most important macronutrients during weight management. High protein diet keeps you full for a long time and quenches your hunger.
By taking high protein rich diet during weight loss, one does not feel weak and it also helps in retaining the muscle mass.
3. Low Calorie Diet or Diet rich in Soluble fibers
Whenever I ask anyone about weight loss or how can I lose belly fat, everyone’s answer is a low calorie diet.
We often get confused by low calorie diets.
So we are going to give you a great solution for low calorie diet and that is diet rich in soluble fibers. Soluble fibers are amazing because they absorb water and become bulkier, which makes them pass through the digestive system very slowly.
Due to which we feel full for a long time, it directly means that we eat less.
So if you want to reduce belly fat then add soluble fibers like fruits, vegetables, whole grains like millets and legumes in your diet.
Soluble fibers will not only make your diet a low calorie diet but will also improve your digestive system. A simple addition of soluble fibers can turn out to be one of the best way to lose belly fat.
4. Include Omega 3 containing Healthy fats in your diet –
Many of us know that protein rich diet is essential for weight loss. Most of us also aware that cutting carbohydrates is important for weight loss. But the confusion between healthy and unhealthy fats and not including healthy fats in your diet becomes the biggest mistake in your weight loss journey.
Studies have proven that Omega 3 rich foods or Omega 3 supplements may prove to be excellent in reducing fatty liver and belly fat. That is why it is recommended to consume healthy fish once a week. Some good fish oil supplements can also be taken.
Vegetarians can meet their Omega 3 requirements with plant-based Omega 3 supplements, one of which is Chia Seed. Chia seed oil is a great alternative to Omega 3. Its most special thing is that its smoke point is high due to which it can be used in any type of cooking. This characteristic makes it better not only than fish oil but also than flaxseed oil and walnut oil.
You can make Fit & Young cooking oil your perfect companion in your weight loss journey in the form of healthy fats.
Because it is infused with pure and naturally extracted chia oil.
In Fit and Young Cooking Oil you will get 100% natural 9% plant based Omega 3 and 14% Omega 6.
This extraordinary ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 will make your every food a powerhouse of healthy fats. Healthy fats will help in reducing inflammation in your body and will also protect you from various lifestyle diseases.
5. Add Probiotics into your diet
Probiotics in general means food with good bacteria. Good bacteria means those healthy bacteria which are found in our gut. These are mainly bacteria of the Lactobacillus family.
Good bacteria are very important for our immunity, our gut health and overall health. Right balance of good bacteria also helps in weight management and reduces belly fat.
So if you are asking “how do i lose belly fat” then make probiotics a part of your diet. Some natural probiotics like yogurt, kimchi, miso and pickles can easily become a part of our diet.
Apart from this, probiotic supplements are also very popular these days. But you will have to use these very carefully.
Because some probiotic drinks often contain high amounts of sugar which can hinder your weight loss journey.
6. A Big NO to Trans Fats –
Imagine margarines, spreads, Mayonnaise over your sandwiches and burgers. These are also an integral part of most of the packaged foods. These are made through chemical process and hydrogenation process.
Chemically processed food items may contain excess trans fats. Trans fat is believed to be responsible for inflammation in our body, all types of heart diseases, diabetes, fatty liver and belly fat gain.
So if you also have a question under How can I lose belly fat ? Then first of all stop those Chemically processed refined oils, hydrogenated oils and adulterated unhealthy fats which have chances of having trans fats. Along with that stop eating all those packaged foods that are cooked with cheap and unhealthy fats. Instead of this, you can feel free to use the healthy fats mentioned in the article.
Studies show that trans fat consumption promotes belly fat. But even if you are not thinking of reducing belly fat, it is still better for you to quit trans fats.
7. Sugar – Your Biggest Enemy
Refined Sugar means zero nutrition and full of calories. High sugar intake means more abdominal fat. It is even more dangerous that sugary foods are continuously pushing you towards heart diseases, fatty liver and type 2 diabetes.
Yes, we know that if you are fond of sweets then you will not like the statement but still it is the truth. We can advise you to use natural sugar in limited quantity instead of refined sugar. Natural sugars like pure honey, dates and resins will satisfy your sweet tooth. Their limited amount can end your dependency on refined sugars.
It is also important to mention here that excess sugar, whether refined or natural, is a hindrance in your weight loss journey.
8. Start Saying NO to Packaged Food, Packaged Beverages, Packaged Fruit Juices
Have you ever wondered why packaged foods, juices or beverages always taste the same? Whereas any home-made dish or any fruit or its juice will never taste exactly the same.
This happens because various chemicals are added to packaged foods for their preservation and taste enhancement.
Different types of preservative, coloring agent, acidity regulator, artificial flavor are the main ones.
Apart from this, sugar is also found in large quantities in packaged juices or beverages. We have already explained how sugar is harmful for you.
Packaged foods are often prepared with sub-standard oil or chemically processed refined oil. Due to which Trans fats can also be found in them. Excessive unhealthy fats, Salt, Acidity regulators and preservatives can hamper your weight loss journey and also result in your weight gain.
9. If you are asking “How do I lose belly fat” then Adopt a restful sleep pattern
Now you must be wondering what is the relation between sleeping and weight gain or belly fat. It may also come to your mind that the more you sleep, the more weight you will gain. So let us tell you that by adopting a restful sleep pattern, you can lose weight very efficiently.
By restful sleep pattern we mean a perfect routine of your deep sleep. What time do you go to sleep and what time do you wake up? How many hours does your actual sleep last?
In individuals following the same diet and lifestyle, people who sleep for 7 hours at night are found to be healthier than those who sleep less than 7 hours. Here sleep does not just mean lying on the bed but also to reach higher stages of sleep.
For this you can follow pre sleep routine Such as not looking at any screens about an hour before bed. You can reach a higher state of sleep by focusing your attention on your breathing while sleeping. The time between 10 to 11 pm is also called the golden hour of sleep.
Remember, Lack of sleep is often associated with increased heart diseases and liver problems. So if you want to lose your belly fat, then immediately adopt a restful sleep pattern.
10. Don’t Just Rely on Aerobics – Lift Weights too
Often people are limited to Aerobics, Cardio or High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for belly fat reduction. It is very important to mention here that all these exercises will prove to be very helpful in your belly fat loss.
But if you start moderate weight lifting along with these exercises, the results can be surprising. Weight or resistance training builds your lean muscle mass. Due to which you are able to burn calories not only during exercise but throughout the day.
So if you want to lose belly fat fast then combine weight lifting with your regular exercise. You can ensure the perfect combination of aerobics and weightlifting exercises by talking to your fitness trainer or medical practitioner.
11. Ditch Dieting and Adopt an Eating Plan
Here it is important for you to know that dieting not only makes you harsh on yourself but also worsens your health. Dieting is a very short term measure of weight management and its side effects become visible very quickly.
A few kilograms of weight lost due to dieting comes back with multifold weight gain in a few days. Apart from this, you also get many nutritional deficiencies. Constipation and dehydration are also some side effects of dieting.
Dieting also slows down your metabolism and weakens your immune system. Symptoms of depression and anxiety are often found in people who are dieting. So here we advise you strictly not to do dieting.
You can follow a suitable eating plan instead of dieting. Suitable diet plan which has low carbs, low sugar, zero trans fats and unhealthy fats. A combination of high protein rich food choices, soluble fiber, healthy omega 3 rich fats and probiotics can make a good eating plan.
Your healthy eating plan will be many times better than dieting. This eating plan will definitely help you in loosing your belly fat.
12. How can i lose belly fat – KICK OUT STRESS
Yes, You heard it right.
Let’s understand it.
Whenever we feel stressed, the adrenal gland produces cortisol hormone, known as stress hormone.
Cortisol hormone increases your appetite and promotes fat deposition around your waist.
So next time whenever you feel stressed, immediately find an excuse to laugh otherwise get ready for belly fat.
To avoid stress, you can also set aside some time every day for some fun activity or yoga.
13. Don’t rely on the weighing scale blindly
When you follow this scientific road map, you may not see your weight decreasing on the weighing scale. There is no need to worry about this. Because by following this scientific road map, you will have built muscle mass and lost fat.
You probably won’t notice much of a difference in your weighing scale as you gain muscle mass. But if your old clothes are getting loose then rest assured, You Are on the Right Track.
Let’s conclude answer to your question “How Can I Lose Belly Fat”
1. Diet –
- No Dieting but Balanced meals consisting of Low Carbs and High Proteins.
- Consuming Healthy fats with a balanced ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is Vital.
- Complement your meals with soluble fibers and Probiotics.
- Limit intake of Sugar and Trans fats by not consuming packaged foods, Packaged fruit juices and beverages.
2. Exercise –
- A balanced workout plan as per your physical condition.
- Combination of aerobics, Cardio, HIIT and resistance exercises.
3. Mental Health and Habits –
- A good Sound sleep with a restful sleep pattern to balance hormones and relieve stress.
- Try some stress busting activities to avoid cortisol production.
Remember, your belly fat or waist size tells a lot about your health. If you want to stay away from heart disease and diabetes, then the waist size of women should be less than 35 inches and the waist size of men should be less than 40 inches.
That is why we would say that you have asked a very valid question, “How Can I Lose Belly Fat” ?