Oil for Weight Loss-Science Backed-Secrets Revealed

List of the best cooking oils for weight loss and list of the worst ones.

You may also be thinking that let’s get a readymade list of best cooking oil for weight loss.   But here we would like to caution you not to trust any list blindly. You need to make a science-based decision and not fall prey to marketing gimmicks.

Fitness Journey

The purpose of this article is to reveal the science based secrets behind oils. So that you can decide for yourself which oil will become your partner not only in your weight loss journey but also in your overall health.

Oil is a hurdle in weight loss – Myth or Truth ?

Fat is a macronutrient, just like proteins and carbohydrates. According to experts, we should take 25 to 35% of our calories from fats. However, excess fat and that too unhealthy fat leads us to obesity and heart diseases.

Oil for weight loss - No confusion now.

Is the consumption of oils a hindrance to weight loss? This is a myth. However consuming unhealthy oils is definitely pushing us towards obesity. So let us know what a healthy oil should be like that can go along with our weight loss and healthy lifestyle goals. This understanding will help us find the best cooking oil for weight loss

Oils and Weight Loss – The Scientific Connection

Every oil is primarily a mix or is made up of 4 types of fats or fatty acids –

1. Unsaturated Fatty Acids –

Unsaturated fatty acids are the healthiest of the four fatty acids. There is always a double bond between two carbon atoms in their chemical structure. Unsaturated fatty acids are further present in every oil in the form of monounsaturated fats (Omega 9) and polyunsaturated fats (Omega 3 & Omega 6). 

The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the oil makes that particular oil healthy. And the perfect ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 makes that oil the healthiest.

2. Saturated Fatty Acids – 

If we are looking for the best cooking oil for weight loss, then the amount of saturated fatty acids in the oil should be very low. In other words, the oil should not contain more than 20% saturated fatty acids. They are solid at room temperature. In their chemical structure, there is always a single bond between two carbon atoms.

In a nutshell, the less saturated fatty acids any oil has, the healthier it will be.

3. Trans Fatty Acids – 

Trans fatty acids are also called industrial fatty acids. They are the most dangerous for health. These are found inside chemically processed vegetable oils and apart from heart diseases, obesity, liver related serious diseases, they also cause diseases like cancer.

In nutshell, Healthy oils means natural oils not chemically refined or hydrogenated versions of oils. You can say that there should be zero trans fat in healthy oil. And it should not contain any chemical that turns later into trans fat when fried.

4. Cholesterol –

If you are taking fats from plant sources, then rest assured that your oils will not contain cholesterol. However it is an integral part of fats from animal sources. So is cholesterol consumption good for us?
No, because according to experts, our body is capable of producing cholesterol as per its requirement.

Let us summarize the science of oils for weight loss –

  • Most unsaturated fats i.e. healthy fats. Along with that, Omega 6 should not be too much compared to Omega 3. Ideally Omega 6 should not be more than 4 times than Omega 3.
  • Saturated fat should constitute below 20 % of the total fats.
  • Trans fats should be completely absent. Apart from this, no chemical should have been used in the process of oil extraction. This is required to eliminate the risk of trans fats generation during high temperature cooking like frying.
  • Last but not least cooking oil for weight loss should not contain cholesterol.

List of best Oils for Weight Loss?

Let’s Check out the list and choose yourself –

1. Olive Oil –

Monounsaturated fatty acids present in olive oil are considered effective in reducing high cholesterol and weight. Some experts do not consider its use suitable for high temperature cooking. However, feel free to use it as a salad dressing.

Omega 3 is almost negligible in olive oil.

The abundance of Omega 6 in comparison to Omega 3 thus prevents olive oil from topping the list of best cooking oil for weight loss.

Oil for weight loss

2. Sesame oil –

Two antioxidants named Sesamol and Sesaminol, which also have anti-inflammatory properties, are known behind the weight loss properties of sesame oil.

Medicinal properties of sesame oil have been mentioned in Atharvaveda 5500 years ago. Sesame seeds were cultivated on a large scale in the Harappan culture. It is widely used in Ayurveda. Pure sesame oil has been used to control diabetes and blood sugar.

Although the unbalanced ratio of Omega 3 and 6 does not make it the best oil for weight loss. However, 100 % Pure, Natural and chemical free sesame oil has been shown to be very beneficial in weight loss and overall health.

Pure Tatva's Virgin Sesame Oil for weight loss

3. Flaxseed Oil –

Flaxseed is also called a treasure full of plant-based Omega 3. These high levels of Omega 3 help a lot in stabilizing the balance of Omega 3 and 6 in your body. Flaxseed oil is considered a great oil not only for weight loss but also for overall health.
But the smoke point of flaxseed oil is also low like olive oil. According to experts, this oil is not at all suitable for high temperature cooking. However, very good results can be achieved by using it as a salad dressing.

4. Rice Bran Oil –

The unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E present in rice bran oil are considered good for weight loss. It also has a very good smoke point which makes it suitable for high temperature cooking.

But rice bran oil is extracted from rice flakes. Various chemicals are used to extract oil from rice husk which may prove to be harmful for our body in the long run. So If you want to use rice bran oil in your weight loss journey, make sure it is 100% Natural, Pure and Chemical Free.

5. Fit & Young Cooking Oil –

If you want a reliable partner in your weight loss journey then Fit & Young Oil can be an excellent choice for you.

Fit & Young is an oil blend infused with the pure oil extracts of chia seeds. It is prepared using 100% natural pure and chemical free extraction process. Fit & Young’s high smoke point makes it suitable for any high temperature cooking.

Oil for Weight Loss - Fit & Young

Its biggest specialty is a wonderful ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6, which not only helps in weight loss but also proves effective in cholesterol, triglycerides, fatty liver and other lifestyle diseases related problems.
Fit and Young is also being called the healthiest cooking oil alternative.

Worst Oils for Weight Loss –

1. Coconut Oil –

It would not be right to write coconut oil here, the reason is mixed studies and beliefs. A section of scientists consider it a source of medium chain triglycerides which are considered good in weight loss. At the same time, another truth is that coconut oil contains very high amounts of saturated fats. And if we believe science, then saturated fats are not at all good for our weight loss.

2. Palm Oil –

Palm oil, also known as palm olein oil, can be your skippable choice for your weight management  overall health.
This is because of the large amount of saturated fat present in palm oil. Too much saturated fat increases your “bad” LDL cholesterol, Triglycerides and is directly linked to your heart diseases. The palmitic acid present in it further increases inflammation, insulin resistance and fat storage in your body.



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