Fitness Cooking Oil

Home Remedies for fatty liver

Liver – The world’s most powerful and trusted natural detoxification unit gifted by God. A healthy and clean liver weighs approximately 1.5 kilograms or 3.3 pounds. When fat deposition starts on the liver, its weight and size starts increasing. And in simple words, fat deposition on the liver makes the liver fatty. You shall find causes and expert solutions in this article “Home remedies for fatty liver by experts”. 

Like a fatty person, a fatty liver also works much less than its capacity. And if our detoxification unit i.e. liver works below its capacity, then naturally our body will become home to serious diseases. Lifestyle changes and a healthy diet are the first and most effective strategies to control fatty liver. That is why we have brought you detailed home remedies for fatty liver.

Fatty Liver and its types & Home Remedies for fatty liver


Fatty liver is termed as Steatotic liver disease (SLD) as per medical terminology. Your liver has started turning fatty means fats equivalent to 5% of liver weight has accumulated on it. More fats makes it more severe.

Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Non – Alcoholic Fatty Liver are its 2 types –

Fatty Liver Vs Healthy Liver

Alcoholic Fatty Liver 

Whenever you consume alcohol, your liver has to filter it out. During this alcohol filtration, some liver cells die. Every time liver has to replace those cells with new cells. But more alcohol filtration means more cell damage. And eventually the liver loses its ability to make new cells and start losing its functionality. This is thus called alcoholic fatty liver.

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver  

Non alcoholic fatty liver which is now also known as Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). It is a disease related to metabolic dysfunction. Cardio metabolic risk factors are responsible for this.   Although alcohol consumption is not the main cause. But in this disease, if alcohol is consumed even in small quantity, then it causes a lot of damage to the liver.

There are some other complications associated with it such as –

So if you have a fatty liver, then learn the home remedies for fatty liver. These diets and lifestyle changes will help a lot not only in its management but also in its reversal.   

Home Remedies for fatty liver

Mediterranean diet – The first and most important among the other home remedies for fatty liver.

If you want to bring any change in your life then diet comes first. It is the Diet chart which is also known as the first line of treatment for fatty liver.So here the Mediterranean diet is going to help you a lot. Mediterranean diet means a diet full of fruits / vegetables, legumes, healthy Omega 3 rich fats from seeds and fish and foods with whole Grains.

Apart from fatty liver, this diet is also best for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

Plant based foods and Healthy fats are its backbone. Let’s check out some mind blowing home remedies for fatty liver –

Include Whole grains in your meals can be Home Remedies for fatty liver

Quinoa, Oats, Bajra or pearl millet, Jowar or Sorghum, Kutki or hellebore. Remember, unprocessed Millets are the tiny powerhouse for your transformation. 

Complete your meals with Legumes

Include one portion of Legumes like peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas and all sorts of beans in your meals.

Complement your diet with Fruits and Vegetables

Make your plate colorful. Keep on adding apples, oranges, bananas, berries, melons. Tomatoes, carrots, all sorts of green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, broccoli, bottle Gourd, pumpkin. 

Wanting to finish your meals with dessert, then figs and dates can be your perfect choice.

Don’t forget its Back Bone – Healthy Omega 3 rich fats

Fatty liver cure from fats seems to be unusual. But it is proven and true. However, your fats should be as healthy as possible.

Selection criteria for a healthy fat –

  • Unsaturated Fatty Acids – A healthy fat should have maximum proportions of Unsaturated Fatty acids.
  • Saturated Fatty Acids – A healthy fats should not have more than 25 % of saturated fatty acids.
  • Trans Fats – A healthy fat must not have trans fat in it.
  • Cholesterol – A healthy fat must not have cholesterol in it. 
  • Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio – A healthy fat must contain a good amount of omega 3 in it. Further proportion of Omega 6 should not be more than 5 times to Omega 3. An ideal Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio is 1:4, Larger this ratio the healthier the fat is.

Extra virgin olive oil has good amounts of unsaturated fats and hence can be considered healthy oil. But absence of Omega 3 does not make it the healthiest choice. In fact Indian mustard oil can be considered a healthier option but only if it is 100 % pure, virgin, cold pressed,  adulteration and chemical free. 

Want to tick all the boxes for the healthiest fats
  • Then it is better to use multiple oils in rotation or a healthy oil blend. Whatever oil you use, keep one thing in mind and that is it should be chemical free and in its purest form.
  • One such oil blend is named “Fit & Young” and it meets all the parameters of healthiest fats. Pure extracts of Chia seeds have been infused in this oil, which has made it a natural Omega 3 supplement with an extraordinary ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6.
  • Including “Fit & Young” as a cooking oil into your lifestyle can do wonders for your family. This can also prove to be the most efficient home remedy for fatty liver.

Easy way to stay fit

Non Vegetarians can go for Fish and Lean meat

If you are a non-vegetarian then you can consume fish, eggs or lean meat maximum twice a week.          

Coffee Breaks – during the day

Good news for coffee lovers. 2 to 3 coffee cups every day can reduce inflammation in your liver. Black coffee will be most effective since it doesn’t contain sugar. Coffee is considered liver friendly. Two cups of coffee a day probably shouldn’t be a problem even if you consider caffeine a problem.

Omega 3 Supplements – An Unmissable Tip Among All Other Home Remedies for fatty liver

They come under the polyunsaturated category of fats. Fatty fish, chia seeds, flax seeds and walnuts are their major sources. It has been proven in different research that Omega 3 is very effective in reducing liver fat and cholesterol level. It is also widely being used as a treatment for fatty liver.

You can use fish oil supplements to meet this requirement. If you are a vegetarian or do not want to consume fish oil, then you can use the vegetarian alternative for fish oil i.e. “Fit & Young”.   Fit & Young is a cooking oil infused with pure power of  chia seeds. By eating food cooked in it, not only you but your whole family will easily get natural omega 3. A simple home remedy for fatty liver without changing any habit.

Super Powerful Chia Seeds

Include liver friendly herbs as a Home Remedies for fatty liver

Sometimes we don’t have to go very far to get some effective remedies. So some such liver friendly herbs are present in our kitchen, like ginger, garlic, turmeric and green tea . Milk thistle is also seen as an effective liver friendly herb.

However, these herbs should not be considered as a fatty liver home treatment but should be adopted as a healthy alternative.

Don’t irritate your liver with Liver Irritants

Whatever we eat, our liver has to detoxify it. So if we have fatty liver then our diet should be according to that. It is wise not to consume liver irritants such as alcohol and some over-the-counter medicines/vitamins/supplements. In the case of medicines, it is advisable to proceed only after consulting a doctor.

Shed some kilograms with active lifestyle

The American Association for the study of liver diseases has indicated key measures – If weight is reduced by 3 to 5%, fatty liver begins to benefit. If the weight is reduced by 10% then there is a lot of benefit in liver disease as well as inflammation and fibrosis. A combination of diet and exercise is necessary for weight management. Dieticians can also help with your diet. There is no substitute for exercise as fatty liver is also associated with a sedentary lifestyle. As far as exercise is concerned, you can start with a simple brisk walk. Aerobics, swimming or cycling are also better options for an active lifestyle. Just 30 minutes of simple exercises every day can have a positive effect on your fatty liver and your overall health. This can be one of the best natural ways to treat fatty liver.

Home Remedies for Fatty Liver


Say NO to processed foods and high sugary foods if you want Home Remedies for fatty liver

If you think that sugar only increases type 2 diabetes then you are wrong. Because studies have made it clear that sugar is the main source of fat accumulation in the liver too. So please read the label of what you are eating, sucrose, maltose, fructose, these are all sugars. Be careful and use as little sugar as possible. When you read the labels of cakes, biscuits, ice creams, candies, all kinds of packed juices, cold drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, you will yourself understand that because of the presence of so much sugar, it is better not to consume them.

Medical Treatments

Diet and lifestyle changes are the only effective solutions for fatty liver as no proven medical treatments for fatty liver have been found yet.

However, Pioglitazone is being used limitedly for non-alcoholic fatty liver. This medicine is proving beneficial for type 2 diabetes as well as fatty liver patients.

In some separate studies, Semaglutide, an effective drug for type 2 diabetes, has also been found to be effective in fatty liver.   However, their long-term safety and effectiveness need further research. And there use must be limited to only under strict medical supervision.

Frequently asked Questions –

Is it possible to reverse Fatty Liver Disease ?

Yes, absolutely yes. Fortunately, Liver is the only organ in our body that can regenerate itself.  

SAY NO – To alcohol, Sugar, Processed and Packaged foods.

SAY YES – To Purest & healthiest oil blends, Omega 3 Supplements, fruits and vegetables, Whole grains.

ALTER YOUR LIFESTYLE – To include at least 30 minutes of light exercise to reduce weight.

Fatty liver can definitely be reversed with the help of medical advice and home remedies for fatty liver suggested in the article. 

How do I know what is the main reason behind my fatty liver?

For this you will have to examine your lifestyle and find the answer yourself. There is often no single cause for this disease. We have already discussed this in detail in this article. However, there are five main reasons for the widespread spread of this disease –

  1. Consuming processed and fast food instead of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  2. Unintentional high consumption of sugar in the diet via packaged juices, beverages, bread and other confectionery items.
  3. High Consumption of Alcohol.
  4. Use of adulterated and chemically processed cooking oils.
  5. Stagnant and inactive lifestyle.


If you consider fatty liver as just a single disease then you are probably making a mistake. Fatty liver invites many other diseases. Liver removes toxins from our body and plays a central role in the metabolic process of our body. Apart from this, it also produces good cholesterol (HDL), bad cholesterol (LDL) and various hormones. So if our liver is fatty then it will work less than its capacity. This simply means that all these important functions of our body will be affected due to which we may fall victim to many diseases.

 So it is highly advisable to follow a preventive approach. So from today onwards, adopt all the home remedies for fatty liver given in this article and start a healthy lifestyle.


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